iterative procedure

英 [ˈɪtərətɪv prəˈsiːdʒə(r)] 美 [ˈɪtəˌreɪtɪv prəˈsiːdʒər]

网络  迭代过程; 迭代程序; 一反覆的程序; 反覆程序; 重复过程



  1. Any tensile stresses to de induced are annihilated ( approximately) by using an iterative procedure.
  2. Multi-level interactive image enhancement algorithm based on fuzzy relaxation iterative procedure
  3. Mean shift, an iterative procedure that shifts each data point to the average of data points in its neighborhood, has been applied to object tracking.
  4. The singular point strength distribution is solved using iterative procedure.
  5. Based on the linear programming, an iterative procedure for solving the inverse eigenvalue problem is presented in this paper.
  6. Its advantage is to implement a nonlinear classifier using a simply iterative procedure and kernel functions.
  7. Based the geometric and mechanical coupling relation between vehicle and bridge, movement equation of wind-vehicle-bridge system is established. The equation can be solved by a separated iterative procedure which can considers various nonlinear factors.
  8. A method without iterative procedure is presented for resolution of a three-component decay curve with a decay constant being known.
  9. We prove that Mann and Ishikawa iterative procedure.
  10. AH image restoration method of directly solving the image formation equation by iterative procedure is presented in this paper.
  11. These results are combined to produce an iterative procedure for alternative selection and trade-off weight determination.
  12. Owing ton o iterative procedure for the coupled equations, the efficiency of computation can be greatly improved.
  13. This paper presents a method, which extends PLS ( partial least square) algorithm from two_LV ( latent variable) to multi_LV based on two_LV PLS algorithm, including detailed formal specification and iterative procedure.
  14. Numerical results show rapid convergence of the iterative procedure.
  15. In the optimum iterative procedure, the gradient step and the optimum vector step were adopted to calculate.
  16. In this paper, we obtain the sufficient conditions under which there exists the fixed point of sum and product about a concave and-a convex operators in the positive cone of linear semi-order space, and the iterative procedure and error estimate can be given.
  17. Based on this condition some equations and the iterative procedure are de-rived.
  18. The least square method and an iterative procedure are used to obtain the unknown parameters based on the Robot error model and measured error data. The methods are proved to be effective by practical examples.
  19. Secondly, the method applies a linear iterative procedure in calculation and the SVD is used as a main tool, avoiding complex nonlinear optimization processes.
  20. This paper presents a constrained nonlinear regression method for computerized automatic interpretation of well testing data. Convergence of the regression is improved by an iterative procedure based on a combination of the Marquardt and linear regression of one-dimensional parameter methods.
  21. According to this method, the optimization problem is decomposed into an investment subproblem and an operation subproblem, and the solution is determined by iterative procedure between both problems.
  22. Fast Iterative Procedure for Mixed Problems with Penalty by Taylor-Hood Element Approximation
  23. After reduce the bar's free vibration differential equation to a lower order, we analogize it to the bending theory of the beam and gives an iterative procedure.
  24. For the inverse problem, we apply the predictor-corrector method to construct an iterative algorithm, and propose two numerical methods for the numerical differential problem arising in the iterative procedure.
  25. We provide a proof of the convergence and obtain a stopping criterion for the iterative procedure with the new scale parameter based on wavelet transform.
  26. After, parallel tabu search algorithm, mutation ant colony algorithm and adaptive particle swarm algorithms are introduced respectively to solve the model, illustrates each algorithm iterative procedure.
  27. The algorithm is based on a least-square iterative procedure, but it copes with the limitation of the existing iterative algorithms by separating a frame-to-frame iteration from a pixel-to-pixel iteration.
  28. Both the two optimization method results consistent, but the latter iterative procedure is less and simple in calculation.
  29. This method will improve the stability and convergence of classical iterative methods, and ensure the stability of closed-loop system and control performance in iterative procedure.
  30. OPA model is modified to simulate the process of faults conveniently. And the iterative procedure for modified OPA model is also given.